We met for coffee, but instantly recognised each other.

"Weren't you at...?"

"You were the one that..."

We talked, I drank chai and she drank water. It was almost two weeks before our next "proper date". In between, we saw each other at two group events. She bought me mulled wine at the Lyttelton Street Party, and that's when I started falling for her. I bought an Angry Birds hat and that's when she started falling for me. We walked arm-in-arm after dancing to The Eastern.

We ate at Simo's, but not before they forgot we'd ordered. We didn't mind that the food took a long time. We shared a wine, after, and then laughs at the theatre. I drove her home and wanted to kiss her goodnight but I am a pillock and didn't.

And so we met again for breakfast some days later. She brought me a peppermint crisp and by then I was lost. We walked through the city, and in a sunny spot, we kissed.

I learned to play "More than Life" for the lyric, "The sun on her face / The touch of lovers' hands". I sang it to her while she sang to my heart. Last night, she said, "... you make me feel safe. Or happy enough to risk it."

And that's how we both found someone.